OCTOBER 4, 2000

We had some small difficulties with the quilt for our trip to Baltimore and the original member quilt has not been finished. However, a member has donated her quilt to the club so the problem has disappeared. The replacement quilt does not have all of the same squares as the original was to have but it has many of them. The quilt was made using squares that had been exchanged and some that were computer generated from the quilt site. The finished product is quite beautiful and a picture of it will hopefully be posted in the club photo album tonight. For those of you who do not find your square in the picture, please know that we are going to put the original members' quilt together in the next few weeks and it will be ready to display at the next trip or when someone would like to "borrow" it to display at an event in their area. All of the other quilts will also be completed as soon as we can get them done and arrangements will be made to either auction them or raffle them off. The quilt that is being displayed in Baltimore will be raffled. We have already started selling tickets for this. See the contact list below if you would like to sell tickets for this. Either of us would be more than happy to send you a copy of tickets which you can either xerox or make on your own. We are selling tickets for a mere $2.00 each and the quilt will be given away during the first week of December. If each member sold just one ticket we would make over $1,000.00 and if each bought one and sold one, over $2,000.00. Feel free to print out a picture of the quilt after it is posted so that you can show it to friends, business acquaintances, and yes, your doctors…they have been the ones who have taken care of us in our "breast cancer adventure" so we certainly need to make sure they have an opportunity to buy a ticket.

Several of us are flying into Baltimore on Friday, Oct. 6th and others are driving in the same day. The rest will arrive the next day by plane or by car…who knows, someone may even decide to come by boat…after all, Baltimore is a seaport city.

Our schedule for the days we are in Baltimore are as follows:

Friday Beginning at 11:45 a.m. Arriving at airport and getting lots of hugs and chatting done.

Friday night dinner together at a local seafood restaurant. We have chosen Phillips Seafood and hopefully we will be able to be seated and eat there. If not, we will find another place.

Friday night after dinner, we will return to the hotel and the ladies who have not done so already will have an opportunity to sew a few stitches on the border of the quilt. By the time the quilt is displayed, all will have put in a few stitches. This is a means of making the quilt truly a group project and as one of the travelers said, "A bonding time". Our quilt has been made with loving hands and heart and should represent us well.

Saturday morning We will probably meet for breakfast or a cup of coffee together. Some of our ladies are bringing goodies to eat so we may have coffee together in one of the rooms and munch on the goodies. AND of course, more visiting.

Saturday At noon, we have been invited to the Survivor's Tent at the race site to meet the ladies from Baltimore. We will have some surprises in store for Brenda who has been so helpful to all us in our planning. My husband had been told that he can have the day to himself until about 3 p.m. The other ladies will probably send their husbands off with mine.

Saturday At 7:30, we will all meet at the Golden Corral to share dinner and and evening of fun and more chatting.

Sunday The survivors have been invited to have a light breakfast in the Survivor Tent at the race site. We will have an opportunity there to meet survivors from all over. This should be an exciting breakfast.

Then on to the races, some of us are doing the 1 mile fun walk and others are doing the 5 k. Jeana has made a banner and several flags for us to carry as we walk or run. And Selma's wheel chair will be all decorated for the event with lots of pink ribbons, etc. Some of the ladies in our group are bringing items to use for the decorations so it should be special. We will be sure to post a picture of Selma in her chair. We will happily push her around the race track. Selma, do you like to ride fast?

There will be a ceremony after the race. A newsletter will be sent out after our trip telling you all about the entire trip and all of the events.

I know that many of you are wondering who is making the trip so here is the list: Dr. Calvin Lee (our founder) and his wife Dr. Tammy Wu, Calvin's parents, Jeana, Shirley and husband Bill, Robin, Candy, Doris (that's me) and husband Carlos aka Mickey, Jodi and husband Mark, Lala and daughter Tammy and her granddaughter Amy, Cindy and huband John, Susan (senalb), Kelly, Selma and her daughter Michelle, Dawn and her husband Ed and two children Lexie and DJ, Beth and fiance Bobby, Fran and husband Richard, Virginia, Jeana's niece and Robin's friend, Linda. And last but not least, our newest traveler who is also at present our weather watcher for the group…Liz aka Imanervouswreck. (I have listed everyone in the order that race forms were received for the group.)


Contacts: Doris mkayla38@yahoo.com

Candy thebreadlady@yahoo.com