July 15, 2001
The time is fast approaching when we will be making our annual trip to meet again. I am so excited about it. First I will be in Wyoming greeting the new grandbaby and coming home around the middle of September only to leave again for the Des Moines trip.
Most of us who plan the trip to Des Moines for the Race for the Cure
ý on October 13 of this year have turned in our names to Marianne and made reservations at the hotel. There is still time to let Marianne know if you are going and hopefully there are still rooms available in the hotel.I will give the hotel information at the bottom of this note in case anyone wants to go. We are planning a wonderful time and I just bet some of you want to join us. PLEASE DO!!!!!!
Virginia has been so nice about keeping me informed about the progress of the planning committee in D. M. They are a bit slower than the committee we have here in Monroe (and I thought we were slow here in the South) but I am sure the Race there will be just as wonderful as the one we have and the one that we attended in Baltimore.
We need to be thinking of what type of food we want to eat the night of the 12th when we all get together for our one big meal as a group. If you have any food allergies, dislikes, or preferences, please do let us know. Virginia said she will find us a nice place but would like to know our preferences and needs.
Last year most of us put together a journal of our trip and the race for someone in our club who could not make the trip. I made one for Marianne but since she will be there with us in Des Moines, I plan to make one for someone else. Betty (bjd) and I have gotten to be really close friends so I thought unless someone else wants to do a journal for her, I would do it. Of course, doing a journal for someone is not a requirement for making the trip and having a wonderful time with all of us, but if you can do one for someone, it would certainly brighten their lives. For those who are making one, they don't have to be elaborate...I made mine using a looseleaf notebook and enclosed a typed journal of all that I did from the day I started until I returned home. I also included pictures which I had made and a video of all of us.
There were also pages that had been signed by members of our group with short notes for Marianne. If you feel that you are able to make a journal for someone, please give me their name so I can let everyone know...we don't want 6 people making a journal for the same person! I can think of the names of several people who would be overjoyed to get one of our journals so if you can't think of a name, ask me!
I thought it might be a good idea to mention also that several of the ladies who went to Baltimore brought small gifts for the others. Some were bought but there were also quite a few that had been handmade. I am not suggesting that you bring gifts...just wanted to let you know so you won't feel the way I did last year when I went with nothing for the rest. BUT I have a cute surprise for this year...I started making them last night. My daughter laughed when she saw them. She forgot we would be driving in and wondered how I would transport them on a plane.
By the way, I am going next week to look at a van. Hurrah! Jeana and Ken said they want to share a ride with us and I think Susan did too. It should seat 7 people so we would have room for at least one more person. And those of you who were on the Baltimore trip last year know that somehow we managed to stuff a lot of people and luggage into the 7 person van we rented!! This would be for getting around in town while we are there. I know that a couple of you are going to send me a note back saying that you will be unable to make the trip after all....I know that but we can always hope that things will change and you will be there with big smiles.
There is one very sad bit of news that I should mention. Judy Brewer had planned to make the trip with us this year but as most if not all of you know, she lost her fight with the dragon. She may not be with us physically but she will certainly be with us in spirit.
Since it is getting near time for us to be filling out our forms for the race, if you have not told us you want to participate, please do notify either myself or Marianne at these e-mail addresses.
moochie@essex1.comJeana has finished another of our quilts...what a "go - getter" that lady is...I wish I had her energy. Jerri Ann has the materials and squares for the "country music celebrity" quilt and with the help of her grandmother will be working on it soon. Shirely has the original "big quilt" and is having it put together for us.
Liz is busy having her new baby so the cookbook is on hold for now. I am sure she will crank it back up as soon as she is able. Liz, if you need help with that or want to turn it over to someone else (I know how time consuming it is to raise children) please so let us know.
The quilt we displayed last year in Baltimore will be going to Oregon next week so that Jeana can display it at her race. AND another of our quilts will be displayed at the Illinois State Fair in August!
Hotel Fort Des Moines (These were the prices we were given earlier...I am not sure they are the same at this time. Those of us who signed up earlier got these rates.
Single room, 1 bed---$79 a night, suites Up to 3 beds. $99 a night.
Mention you are with the Yahoo Cancer Support Group free: 1-800-532-1466
local: 515 / 243-1161
P. S. Kelly Palmer in New Mexico has extended an invitation for us to have our annual meeting next year with her in Albuquerque. We are also invited to the one in Lansing , Michigan….we can think about that after we do the Des Moines trip.