Breast Cancer Club Newsletter 2

Volume 2

January 29, 2001

I know, we had a newsletter just last week but after 6 days of voting by various ladies, we have a definite location for our Second Annual Trip.

The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of Des Moines, Iowa for October 13, 2001 which happens to be a Saturday.

I contacted Virginia R. who is one of our members and would you believe it??? She just happens to live in Des Moines. I thought maybe we would want to all stay at her home but decided that we might be a bit crowded so instead I asked her to start checking out hotels for us. I got the following information from her: "The Race is usually held at Sec Taylor Stadium. That is very close to downtown. It is where the Des Moines and Raccoon river meet. There are a couple of hotels downtown within walking distance. The Marriot, the Embassy Suites, and then some local, historic hotels that have been there 80-100 years. They are pretty amazing. There is also St. Ambrose Cathedral within walking distance. Just an awesome cathedral. I will start looking into rates...etc. "Well, as you can see she is already working so let's try to get a list of people who will plan to attend.

For anyone who wishes to do so, start doing some looking at the Des Moines site on the internet to see what you can find that might be interesting. Any and all ideas will be welcomed by the committee. I know that some of you are saying, "Hey, January is way too early for me to be making plans for a trip in October." Believe me, it is not. Last year we were planning and getting ideas together and were lucky to get into a great hotel that could handle the crowd we brought. If you think there is the slightest chance that you will be able to go, send me your name, address and phone number so the committee can start making a list. In order to get some good rates at a hotel, we need to have an approximate number of people.

My name is on the list along with my husband. He went last year and is anxious to see all of last year's attendees again. He said he had never seen so many tears of happiness and is waiting to see if this year will outdo last.

You can contact any member of the committee to give your name and other information. The Race for the Cure Committee in Des Moines will need this so they can send forms for signing up for the race. I don't know how much they charge as an entrance fee but here in Monroe area, we charged

$15.00 last year and Baltimore charged us $20.00. I would not think the fee would be more than $20.00 per person. All who register get a "goodie" bag and lots of goodies as well as a Race t-shirt with the name of the Race on it. Survivors also get a pink survivor's shirt and hat as well as even more goodies than the others.

Here is your committee for this year (anyone else who wants to help, let us know):






Liz Liz is our weather lady and I don't have an e-mail for you to contact her. Remember not to ask her advice on kinds of jackets to take…last year she was weather lady and did not bring a coat!!! LOL




Doris (that's me)

Feel free to contact any of those listed if you have questions about our trip.

Doris Fandal